Are you properly networking? Are you making the right connections in order to grow your business?
(Be honest with yourself and answer the below questions. Are you properly networking to grow your business?)


What is the #1 reason why you attend networking events?


When asked “what do you do,” do you…

When networking, what is the last step you take?


Are you shy?


Does the thought of talking to strangers frighten you?

Do you have a process in determining what networking event you will attend?


Do you pass out your cards to as many people as possible and then leave?

Do you talk more than you listen?


Do you prepare your commercials/infomercials before the event?


When networking, are you a “giver,” do you ask others what you can do for them without expecting anything in return?


Do you attend local Chamber events?

Thank you for filling out the quiz. If you answered yes to two or more, have you though about hiring a business networking coach?

© Copyright February 2020 Emmy Vickers Enterprises, LLC., USA All Rights Reserved.
Website designed by De'Lynn Boyd-Hale
Website maintained by Carolyn Sheltraw

Website written by Emmy M. Vickers